The Forever Kind of Love

A good short story.

I love a good short story but I hate seeing one get low star ratings because the reviewer thinks it doesn’t go into enough depth with the characters or that important details were left out. It’s a freaking short story!

I enjoyed The Forever Kind of Love a lot. It brought tears to my eyes more than once. There were things about the story that might have been a bit unrealistic but I read romance to escape from everyday life so they don’t always have to be totally realistic for me to get pleasure from reading one.

I felt a real connection between Chase and Liam and while I don’t agree with what he did, the author made me believe that he was sincere in wanting Liam to have a chance to follow his dreams instead of following Chase.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***

ButtonsMom2003, 08/15/2019
4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars
Sale $1.92