J. Tomas

So who is J. Tomas? A writer, a reader, a poet. A video game nerd ~ she hearts Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, and Legend of Zelda. A cat owner. A movie goer, music lover, boyband groupie. A queer author who remembers all too well the pains of high school, first love, and how it felt to ride the school bus when all the "cool" kids had their own car. Who knows what it's like to be different in a school of clones, to feel different, look different, act different.

Who wants to put those feelings down on paper so others know they aren't alone.

More specifically, J. Tomas is an author of gay YA romance who lives in Richmond, Virginia, with two very spoiled cats. She has a day job that's not too bad, and has always wanted to be a writer, so she writes.

For more information, please visit j-tomas.net.